SeaPort Enhanced (SeaPort-e) made electronic procurement of engineering, technical and programmatic support services at NAVSEA a reality. The Navy Virtual SYSCOM (VS) Commanders (NAVAIR, NAVSEA, NAVSUP, and SPAWAR) have decided to leverage the successes and efficiencies of the SeaPort-e business model by designating SeaPort-e the vehicle of choice for future engineering, financial, and program management contractor support services.

SeaPort-e is an electronic, web-based portal where requests for services are managed from “cradle to grave”. SeaPort-e is an extension of the current SeaPort procurement vehicle used at NAVSEA. This “paper-less” system promotes time efficiency and a reduction in administrative costs. Competition on a task order basis results in cost savings in addition to the already capped fees and pass-through rates established on the SeaPort-e MACs.

SeaPort-e Contract No. N00178-16-D-8642, Task Order 0001

SeaPort-e Zone Presence for CLA-Tech, INC. / SENTEL Team: Zones, 2, 3, and 4

CLA-Tech, Inc SeaPort-e POC:  Cynthia L. Abbott, President and Owner, CLA-Tech, Inc.
                                                      Phone:  (228) 334-2233
​​                                                      Address:  606 Dogwood Road, Ocean Springs, MS 39564

CLA-Tech, Inc.